Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Two Memorable Moments from Practicum (Quick Write)

1) Teaching Completing the Square - It was my second lesson. The first went well, but was a learning experience. But, with Completing the Square, I got the AHA! moment from the class. I invoved humour and previous review and it felt good to look out at every face, most smiling, some nodding, and many getting the beginnings of a difficult topic.

2) Halloween Costume - Dress up day was the last day of the two week stretch. I had developed a rapport with many of the students and was starting to feel I was well liked. One student that had me wondering on day one, "am I going to have problems with this one" sat in the third seat from the enterance. I walked in in my calculator costume and he said, "you made my day by dressing up as a calculator". It brought an instant smile to my face. As I walked away, I heard him say to a friend, " I want to dress up as a calculator".

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