Friday, September 18, 2009

How To Juggle, in 10 minutes or less

Microteaching Assignment Sept. 18th, 2009

1) Bridge – Introduce simple 2 and 3 ball juggling with tennis balls (approx 1 min.).

2) Teaching Objectives – To introduce students to the art of juggling through display and participation exercises.

3) Learning Objectives – Students will be able to understand the movement of the balls in basic 3 ball juggling and will be able to master the skill through their own practice after the session. Students will understand that juggling cannot really be learned in 10 minutes, but it was sure a catchy name for the task.

4) Pre-test – Students will be asked if any have previous juggling experience (approx 1 min.). In this case, exercises will be set up to practice two person juggling, under the leg juggling or 4 ball juggling.

5) Participatory Activity – Students will each receive one ball and practice the simple tossing from one hand to the other and back again, working on keeping the ball at an ideal, consistent height (approx 1 min.).
Then, another ball will be introduced and students will practice “one, two, nothing to throw”. (approx 4 mins)
Those that feel comfortable can then try with 3 balls and those who do not can continue with two ball juggling with one or two hands. (appox 2 mins).

6) Post Test – Ask students how they enjoyed the activity and ask each to display the new skills they have learned. (approx 1 min).

7) Summary - Reiterate to the students that much additional practice will help them attain the skill. Thank them for their time and efforts and wish them well in their circus careers if teaching does not work out.

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